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Based on our many years of experience in simulating and optimizing structural components we are capabable to define optimization setups for all types of structural components. Optimization can be carried out on single components or on full assemblies.
• Definition of design spaces according to the available package spaces
• Topology optimizations with linearized loadcases to find initial loadpath distribution
• Shape and Free-Shape optimizations with standard loadcases to achieve the optimal structural performance and mass

• Application of polygon modelling tools to transfer topology results to manufacturable CAD models
• Consideration of all manufacturing relevant constraints like draft angles, thicknesses, overhangs, ...
• Generation of subdivision bodies to be used as solid bodies in CAD tools.

Retopolgy output will be imported in CAD by all known CAD interfaces like IGES, STEP, etc. In addition most major CAD tools have their own subdivision modelling environments
• CATIA (Imagine & shape)
• Siemens NX (Realize shape)
• Solid Works (ShapeX, Power Surfacing)
• Creo Freeform
which allow for a direct integration of subdivision bodies.
Subdivision bodies are then handled as standard solid bodies and can be finalized by integrating holes, boolean operations, etc.
Finite Element simulations of both the basic models to generate target values and the optimized geometries to validate them are carried out. The common solvers for strength-, stiffness-, NHV- and crash-simulations are used here.

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